March 15 - April 14

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Our four day visit to Keelung helped us experience life outside of a big city as we visited some rural areas that were bursting at the seams with culture, traditional and nature. Here are a couple of photos from our visit. Although we're a little behind on our blog, we arrived safe and sound back in New Taipei City, where we'll stay for the remainder of our trip. Enjoy!

Keelung is one of the biggest ports in Taiwan. Our first stop included a tour of the Harbor by boat and a trip to the top of the Gantry Crane. We all took the elevator to the top, except Lauren who made the trip on foot!

Harbor group

GSE Team at the top of the Keelung Gantry Crane. We even had certificates to prove it!

Fred receiving a gift from the harbor director aboard our tour boat.

Derek with the water police boat

Welcome Party (included 6 Rotary Clubs in Keelung)

Mid-meal traditional entertainment

A Rotary event wouldn't be complete without some kareoke!

Our second day included a trip to the high mountains to visit this active volcano. Typically the views are hidden with fog but we changed our plans because of the beautiful, clear skies and enjoyed a gorgeous trip to the top of this mountain.

Bryan, Lauren and Whitney

Volcano entourage

From the volcano, we headed to the sea to take a quick tour of this area of eroded rocks and of course, a seafood lunch.

The most famous rock formation the 'Queens Head'

Rock entourage

For dinner on the second night, we headed to the Keelung Night Market, which is very famous and very busy! Rows and rows of any food you can think of, except of course, cheeseburgers which we're all craving!

Harget, our host, his family and Will joined us for the night market outing

On day three, we visited a small village in the hills where the tradition of Chinese Lanterns is very strong. Although we were not there for the annual Lantern Festival where thousands of lanterns are lifted into the sky we were able to make our own and send our wishes into the sky. More photos to come of our lantern bursting into flames moments into its flight! Basically, our dreams and wishes literally went up in smoke!

A group about to launch their lantern into the sky

Following our lantern experience, we took a walk into the woods for a visit to this famous waterfalls. Absolutely gorgeous views were in store for us after crossing two very shaky suspension bridges! 

Group minus Bryan who spent the day on the golf course with our GSE Chair, Car and his wife.

Last stop was the giant Budda who watches over the Keelung harbor. Each morning the sailors pray to her for safety as they head out to sea. Check out Lauren at the bottom of the photo--now you can really tell how big it is!

Bryan and the giant lion

Keelong Farewell Party

More to come from New Taipei City...

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